Easyfundraising is a fantastic platform that allows individuals to effortlessly support Imagine Independence in their mission to empower and advocate for individuals with mental health conditions and learning disabilities. By simply signing up on the Easyfundraising website or app, you can generate donations for Imagine Independence while you shop online at your favourite retailers. The process is straightforward: start by selecting Imagine Independence as your chosen cause on Easyfundraising. Then, every time you shop online with one of the participating retailers, a percentage of your purchase will be donated to Imagine Independence at no extra cost to you. From clothing and electronics to groceries and travel bookings, Easyfundraising covers a wide range of retailers, making it easy for you to contribute to Imagine Independence's important work. By utilising Easyfundraising, you can seamlessly integrate charitable giving into your everyday online shopping routine and make a meaningful difference in the lives of those facing mental health challenges and learning disabilities.

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