This information is required from all employers with more than 250 employees on an annual “snapshot date” of 5 April each year. At 5 April 2022 Imagine had 290 individuals employed and we have therefore analysed the pay of those staff to ensure that we identify and address any gender pay inequality.

We have complied with the guidance published by the Government on their website:

The relevant data for Imagine Independence for 2022 is as follows:


Gender Pay Gap

1. Mean pay gap


The average/mean hourly rate for males is £11.41 and for females £12.09. Women are paid on average 6% more than men.

2. Median pay gap


Hourly pay rates have been presented in ascending order and the mid-point/median of those salaries identified for both male and female staff. The mid-point hourly rate for men is £10.29 and £10.29 for women. There is no identified inequality at the median.

3. Mean bonus pay gap


The Charity does not pay bonuses. These calculations are not applicable to Imagine Independence.

4. Median bonus pay gap


5. Proportion of males and females receiving a bonus payment


Proportion of males and females in each pay quartile



6. Upper quartile



The information is also set out into quartiles. Salaries have been presented in ascending order and split into four equal groups to check the composition of each quartile. Across the whole payroll 68.3% of staffing is female. If this was reflected in all levels of pay, each quartile should contain 17.1% female and 7.9% males.

7. Upper middle quartile



8. Lower middle quartile



9. Lower quartile



In fact, men are underrepresented in the upper quartile, containing the most highly paid 25% of staffing, and overrepresented in the lowest quartile.

Analysis of the Data - On the basis of the presented data for 2021, Imagine Independence is pleased to note that there is no specific inequality in favour of men. This position is unlikely to change for 2023.

In the circumstances, no specific action is planned although the information will continue to be produced and assessed and the position kept under review.



I certify that the above information is accurate and a true reflection of the pay levels at Imagine Independence in April 2022.

Paul Edwards

Assistant Chief Executive Officer and Company Secretary

29 March 2023


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