Our Peer Support and Peer Mentoring service offers people experiencing mental health issues the tools to improve their mental wellbeing through social inclusion, mutual support and healthy living. The service is community-based at a range of venues to ensure fair access, as well as supporting our local community assets.

W​ith the additional - valuable - support of Peer Mentors, we facilitate and support peer-led groups which are community-based. These groups are varied to encompass social and activity preferences e.g. Guitars, IT, cycling, walking. O​ur team deliver wellbeing sessions designed to give you the tools to improve and maintain your physical, emotional and social health.

O​ur Peer Mentors work one-to-one with people to support them in improving their mental wellbeing, this can include travel training, confidence-building, accessing community opportunities and much more.

C​ombatting isolation and offering people the skills and understanding to support others to do this is part of every element of the service.

T​o find out more, contact the team by telephone on 07917 050 123 or by email peersupport@imagineindependence.org.uk

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